11/06/2020 00:23

In the pandemic Sars Covid 2019, which shook the world with it's fierce face on human kind. The years 2019 - 2020 are the  testing time to people with such, how the maintenance of daily living in hardship with self Isolation and Curfue within the global lockdown. The people are fully aware and striving to fight Covid 19 with self esteem and inner strength also called ATHMA NIRBAHARTHA. Whatsoever the field or art or the other, artists, musicians, poets, Archeological or are doing  online presentations and events keeping all isolated busy and together. A small effort  brought in form of the drawings in charcoal and Mixmedia works before you. Women is the inspiration In this surreal figurative drawings of showing their dreams and desires of the contemporary lifestyle. Music Courtesy : Benjamin Tissot ( Bensound)